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U n c e r t a i n t y and how to stay strong – international online workshop with Anton – Friday, 9th October 2020 from 5.30 pm to 9 pm, and Friday, 16th October 2020 from 5.30 pm to 9 pm de Kroon –

Bragmin 17. September, 2020 0 comments 0

U n c e r t a i n t y and how to stay strong.

At the moment of our birth, only one thing is sure: we will die.

All the rest that is going to happen in our lives is not sure at that time.

Reality unfolds itself step by step.

Sometimes things happen that we really do not want. That may cause the reaction of feeling insecure, not knowing what to do, losing energy, fighting against it, etcetera.

Corona-time is a good moment to look into these dynamics and to find a way of dealing with it; staying strong or becoming strong again.

In two online sessions, you’ll explore:

  • What is my personal pattern of reaction to uncertainty?
  • What are my worries and fears?
  • How can I deal with them in a new way?
  • What do I need to give up, to let go?
  • How can I move from being the victim of a situation to taking responsibility, especially for what I don’t want?
  • How can I be a leader for myself and others?

The theory will be explained in brief.

Reflection and exercises will be done in break out rooms.

Until three days before each, you may ask questions and give reflections. It is not sure that all will be used.

Anton de Kroon,

Senior trainer Bert Hellinger Instituut, Holland.

More information and registration