International summer camp 2018 – with intensive systemic constellations workshops
Crikvenica, June 15th – 20th 2018
HAPPILY LIVING YOURSELF – IN THE HARMONY OF OWN FAMILY – The art of happy living and easy being
Do You dream of summer vacation which will offer you the opportunity of unbelievable experience coupling beauty, fun and deep usefulness for life?
Near the warm sea, on the wondrous Mediterranean coast of Croatia, in the good company, make yourself a gift worthy of life: to live the potential of who you are and receive experience for your personal growth and more happiness.
June 15th till the June 20th of 2018 , Crikvenica, Croatia
Welcome to the path leading to relationships of harmony and love within the family!
Letting go Yourself to flourishing life, joy and happiness
For a whole week You will be immersed in the various kinds of systemic constellations workshops. Be it as a client working on your own issues, questions, goals and wishes, or as a moderator, or representative in the constellations of others. You will live special experiences, get insights and raised awareness of yourself, from the very depths of Your soul. That shall help You find Your true place in the family, community and nature within the field of spiritual consciousness serving Your personal development, happiness and success.
In the hug of the family happiness
This intensive work on Yourself deeply touches everybody. Many participants will open themselves to the new ways of thinking and acting, which truly supports peace, health, personal power and deeper happiness in life. Views on good and bad, guilt and innocence will be transformed, as well as the awareness of own personal borders and limits. New insights will open space for different path of living, with more acceptance of Yourself as you are, others as they are and the world as it is. Through respect, love and responsible life in the now and here.
With the assistance of experienced workshop leaders:
Vedran Kraljeta, (Croatia, SiKon network), Nataša Čebulj (Slovenia, Institut for systemic constellations) and Stephen Andreas Rostock Svendsen (Norway, Konstellasjoner Kreativitet & Nærvær) all very experienced constellation facilitators and trainers, long term members of organization “Hellinger Sciencia” of Bert and Sophie Hellinger.
The workshop will be held in Croatian or Serbian. A translation into English will be provided.
Costs for attendance & accommodation
Program attendance
- for 6 days 300 € per person if payed until 31.03.2018. (“early birds”)
only 250 € per person for 2 or more members of the same family, if payed untill 31.03.2018. - for 6 days 350 € per person if payed until 31.05.2018.
only 300 € per person for 2 or more members of the same family, if payed till 31.05.2018. - 240 € – first 3 days from 15.06. starting at 9. hours, till 17.06.2018.; if payed till 31.05.2018.
- 240 € – last 3 days from 18.06. starting at 9. hours, till 20.06.2018.; if payed till 31.05.2018.
Cost for full pension in the rooms of “Hostel Stoimena” with 2 – 4 beds, is approximately 30 € per person.
Tourist tax is 1 € per person & day. (web: http://www.nazor.hr/default.aspx?id=449 ).
SPECIAL OFFER! For registration and payments done until March 31th, 2018, cost for the total week’s package is approximately only:
- 496 €/person (program attendance + full pension in 2-4 beds room),
- 446 €/person for 2 or more members of the same family (program attendance + full pension in 2-4 beds room)
The exact prices will be known from December 2017.
For any questions we are available by phone or e-mail.
041 975 008, 070 657 484
To apply, please fill out the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible and provide you with all additional information you need.
Registration fee
After we receive your e-mail address within your e-mail, or sms message of interest to participate, You will receive our registration form and the full program of the Camp.
GSM: +386 41 975 008, e-mail: institut@sistemske-postavitve.com
GSM: +385 97 7590 579, e-mail: sikonstelacije@gmail.com, web: www.konstelacije.com