Social balance for a new era; new leadership principles; Meráki®: leadership as a phenomenon – international online workshop with Juliana Bohórquez
The event will take place on (Central European Summer Time (CEST))
- Friday, 4th June 2021, from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm and
- Saturday, 5th June 2021, from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm.
About: We are in a time where our social and cultural orders and dynamics are transforming, which means many different changes. Therefore, it is needed to understand the rythms of change, the opportunities behind ‘chaos’, build-capacities for human groups to re-organize ourselves and new leadership principles.
This workshop looks forward to sensitize, analyse systemically, learn methods and practice facilitation actions to support social processes.
Juliana Bohórquez is used to recognize leadership on enharged or empowered people. Despite some theories as U Theory have researched about how social technologies have been changing and that our ways of self-organizing as a society have gone from being hierarchical and pyramidal, to being much more horizontal and co-creative, and our perception has gone from being linear to more extensive and systemic. However, in leadership, we continue to speak in a linear and hierarchical way where power is found in one or some persons, but not in the system.
The collective purpose practice that Meráki® has put into practice, allows societies to organize themselves to be united. Organizations have the pretension today, of wanting to be horizontal and inclusive, but from the desire they do not achieve it; because if the way they lead does not belong to a new system of thought. Even if they say they are leading differently, they are acting the same, and calling it in another way. As Peter Senge mentions that when we use a term too much, it loses meaning; this happens with ‘sustainability’, for example, which almost everyone is speaking about, but has become more of a social status than a true sustainable characteristic within the diverse systems.
SysLab® proposes using art and systems thinking to facilitate processes of high complexity in adverse contexts by understanding leadership as a phenomenon, not only from a theoretical perspective, but also from the practice. This has been carried out through Meráki®, a Colombian (South America) organization devoted to social transformation, and Juliana Bohórquez, as director and founder who has worked on the armed conflict framework, for building peace and reconciliation during the last 12 years.
So, what she has seen, putting into practice systemic thinking methodologies in a myriad of contexts, is that we can make leadership visible as a phenomenon and self-organize ourselves around it, by:
- Focusing and recognizing joint purposes
- Aligning the needs with the purpose
- Recognizing the place of each of the people in the system, to self-organize within it.
- Preparing the capacities that are traditionally known as leadership and focus on each person, breaking paradigms, so someone has a capacity that apparently does not serve for anything; understanding that this capacity for the system, although we are not realizing it, is important.
- Synchronizing people so that recognizing each other can listen to the context and the purpose, aligning with the collective and individual process.
Juliana Bohórquez is founder of Meráki®; Master of Arts at Universidad de los Andes, Master in Systemic Pedagogy CUDEC (Mexico), Master in Development Education and Global Learning at UCL (London). Certified coach, Organizational Systemic Work and Constellations trainer (Hellinger Instituut Holand).
Currently Mobilization and Projects Director at Movilizatorio, Professor at the Master’s Degree in Sustainable Living Systems at Externado de Colombia University. Founder of SysLab® (Systemic Lab), dedicated to the research and innovation of the application in the different social and organizational fields. She performs trainings for leaders, advisors, social design processes and gives workshops in Colombia and other countries.
Researcher and co-author of national education programs with the Educational Alliance for Colombia, she has designed and directed impact processes for SENA, COLCIENCIAS, Governación de Cundinamarca, among other national institutions.
Since 2005 she has worked on the context of social transformation within the framework of Colombia’s armed conflict, as activist, documentary filmmaker, researcher and photographer. She was one of the founders of the ‘Campamento por la Paz’ (Peace Camp) and one of the leaders of the 2016 citizen movement. With Abuela Margarita and other spiritual leaders she opens spaces of spiritual relevance. She speaks English, German and Spanish.
– 119.00 EUR with registration and payment by 28th May 2021
The registration fee is to be paid at least two days before the event on our bank account:
SI56 6100 0001 4614 658 at Delavska hranilnica d.d.
Žaucerjeva ulica 20, 1000 Ljubljana
Tax No.: 19696922
We are not liable for VAT.
After receiving the confirmation, we will send you an invoice
Register by 28th May 2021.
For all additional information and questions, contact us by phone or e-mail.
+386 41 975 008, +486 70 657 484
Fill out the form below to apply. We will contact you as soon as possible and provide you with additional information.
Registration fee
– 119.00 EUR with registration and payment by 28th May 2021
The registration fee is to be paid at least two days before the event on our bank account:
SI56 6100 0001 4614 658 at Delavska hranilnica d.d.
Žaucerjeva ulica 20, 1000 Ljubljana
Tax No.: 19696922
We are not liable for VAT.
After receiving the confirmation, we will send you an invoice.