Janja Rebolj

Responsible for interactive meetings for systemic facilitators and coordination of international events


Janja Rebolj is a museologist to whom cultural heritage is a source of inspiration and creativity. A Professor of History and Sociology, she has been employed in a museum since 1989 in various areas – she is always interested in experiencing something new. Since 1996 he has been intensively engaged in the development of communication and management skills in the museum world and privately. She has acquired her knowledge at home and abroad. She is an NLP coach, an adult educator, a facilitator, a brain-friendly trainer. She combines her work in the museum with her afternoon activities in her private company REJ, which enables her to expand her knowledge in the business world (at home and internationally).

She encountered Systemic Constellations in 2009 through Nataša Čebulj and since then, with her encouragement and help, she has met many trainers, both domestic and foreign, including Bert and Sophie Hellinger. In 2014, she was the first generation obtaining the title of an Organisational Systemic Constellation Facilitator in Slovenia (Nataša Čebulj), in cooperation with the Dutch Institute Bert Hellinger (Jan Jacob Stam).

She was trained for Family Constellations by Alemka and Max Dauskard.

Janja uses all the acquired knowledge comprehensively and provides clients with insights into understanding their business and family systems, while her extensive experience in adult education enable her to communicate the necessary knowledge and information to them in a compelling and understandable manner.
Since 2016, she has been a member of the ISCA (International Systemic Constellations Association).