Nataša Čebulj

A founder and director of the Institute for Systemic Constellations in Slovenia


She has more than 25 years of professional experience in human resources and career building. She is a certified NLP and systemic coach, certified master of business communications consultant and trainer in the field of human resources development, leadership, communication, personal growth and art therapy. She started her career in school counselling for young people in their career orientation. She`s been working in the systemic work since 2002. In 2008, she became a certified trainer by Hellinger Sciencia and in 2013 a certified train-the-trainer by the Dutch Institute Bert Hellinger for systemic business constellations. In 2010, she became a member of Hellinger Sciencia and 2016 she became a member ISCA (International Systemic Constellations Association).

She acquired her key business experience over the period of 10 years in the corporate world, as a human resources specialist and a manager in a human resource unit in the major international Slovenian pharmaceutical company. There, she was involved in solving greatest professional challenges. She continued her career as a senior human resource adviser and project manager for payment system, organizational process development, organizational climate and culture in the public sector, the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. At the same time, she has worked for more than 15 years as a trainer, coach, systemic constellation facilitator and consultant.

She loves children, art and theatre. She attended the specialist postgraduate drama art therapy study 10 years ago and facilitated drama art therapy workshops and summer camps for children with social, physical or mental disability. She also studies Chinese metaphysics and practices Qi Gong.